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How To Manually Terminate FFmpeg Process

On Windows

Option 1

1. Download and extract the ffmpeg kill.bat from the attached ZIP file


2. Enjoy

Option 2

1. Create FFmpeg kill.bat
2. Edit file with notepad.exe
3. Add this code

taskkill /im ffmpeg.exe 

4. Save bat file
5. Enjoy

On Linux/BSD/Solaris

1. From command prompt type

kill -e -q ffmpeg

On Mac

For MAC we have 2 options.

1. To force-kill a process one has to send the KILL signal:

killall -KILL ffmpeg

2. To kill a process that runs under a different user: (may ask for a password)

sudo killall -KILL ffmpeg
ffmpeg_term.txt · Last modified: 2012/02/04 20:50 by cerberus