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Ubuntu Server Installation Guide

Based on bigfatostrich's Howto and Forum members contributions


  • Java
    apt-get install default-jre
  • Ffmpeg
    apt-get install ffmpeg

1.Download Serviio


2.Extract Serviio

tar xvf serviio-

3.Ubuntu Server Startup Script (credit to forum member jonolafur)

Create and save the following script in the directory /etc/init/ and call it serviio.conf

start on started networking
end script

and replace <path-to-serviio> with the actual path to your serviio installation.

The upstart system now starts the serviio server as soon as all networking jobs have been started:

>sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart

If you need it to start earlier or later, please check the excellent documentation on upstart for example here:

Upstart Cookbook

You can now get a list of all jobs registered with upstart by issuing:

>initctl list

and you should get something like:

>serviio start/running, process 1009

if it is already running, otherwise it says:

>serviio stop/waiting

You can start and stop the job via:

>sudo start serviio


>sudo stop serviio

4.Enabling Remote Console Access From Windows (credit to forum member tvkdlna)

Edit C:\Program Files\Serviio\bin\ServiioConsole.exe.vmoptions adding:


Replacing XXX.XXX.X.XXX with the IP Address of the remote server

howto/linux/install/ubunto.1325064176.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2011/12/28 09:22 by pdp8user