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Its recommended to install fresh with 0.6.1 as alot of changes and it will save you alot of time

Install this before starting

fonz fun plug on your nas - more info here

Method 1 - The simple method

Package created with a debian squeeze, JRE6, ssh, ffmpeg, serviio and Web UI in Restful Ajax.
the package with serviio 0.6.1

MD5 : B764F1E3B6D653136A4992D64D8BD314
SHA-1 : 3395A2203C5251A00DBB4104EBD04A533132E5C7

After restarting, the password for the ssh client is : serviio

To connect in SSH to your NAS you can use putty or SecureCRT (google is your friend)

More details:

How to connect to your nas in ssh

ssh root@IpOfYourNas

the default password is “serviio”

How to change the default password


and follow the instruction

How to launch WebUi in ajax

→ Launch WebUI's service :

/opt/serviio/bin/ &

→ Check if webui is running :

ps af | grep webui

you should see :
XXXX ttyp0 S 0:00 \_ /bin/sh /opt/serviio/bin/

→ With your web broswer connect to the webUI


→ Configure the webUI

When you have finish you must stop webUI to view serviio on your renderer
ps auxef | grep webui

And Kill all the process.

  4018 ttyp0    S      0:00  \_ /bin/sh /opt/serviio/bin/ TERM=vt100 SHELL=/bin/bash SSH_CLIENT= 8397 22 SSH_TTY=/dev/ttyp0 USER=root MAIL=/var/mail/root PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin PWD=/ SHLVL=1 HOME=/root LOGNAME=root SSH_CONNECTION= 8397 22 _=/opt/serviio/bin/ OLDPWD=/opt/serviio/bin
  4025 ttyp0    Sl     0:06  |   \_ java -Xms5M -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=5 -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=10 -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dserviio.home=/opt/serviio -Djava.awt.headless=true -classpath /opt/serviio/config:/opt/serviio/plugins/serviio-webclient.jar:/opt/serviio/plugins/serviio-wrapper.jar:/opt/serviio/lib/concurrent.jar:/opt/serviio/lib/derby.jar:/opt/serviio/lib/freemarker.jar:/opt/serviio/lib/groovy-all.jar:/opt/serviio/lib/gson.jar:/opt/serviio/lib/httpcore.jar:/opt/serviio/lib/jaudiotagger.jar:/opt/serviio/lib/jcl-over-slf4j.jar:/opt/serviio/lib/jcs.jar:/opt/serviio/lib/jdom.jar:/opt/serviio/lib/jul-to-slf4j.jar:/opt/serviio/lib/log4j.jar:/opt/serviio/lib/org.restlet.ext.gson.jar:/opt/serviio/lib/ org.serviio.restui.RestletProxy USER=root SSH_CLIENT= 8397 22 MAIL=/var/mail/root SHLVL=1 OLDPWD=/opt/serviio/bin HOME=/root SSH_TTY=/dev/ttyp0 SERVIIO_WEBUI_HOME=/opt/serviio LOGNAME=root _=/opt/serviio/bin/ TERM=vt100 PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin SHELL=/bin/bash PWD=/ SSH_CONNECTION= 8397 22 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/lib/arm/server:/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/lib/arm:/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/../lib/arm
  4181 ttyp0    S+     0:00  \_ grep webui TERM=vt100 SHELL=/bin/bash SSH_CLIENT= 8397 22 SSH_TTY=/dev/ttyp0 USER=root MAIL=/var/mail/root PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin PWD=/ SHLVL=1 HOME=/root LOGNAME=root SSH_CONNECTION= 8397 22 _=/bin/grep OLDPWD=/opt/serviio/bin
kill -9 4018 4025

How to modify the configure.xml file or to see serviio's log

cd /opt/serviio/

you can browse to the serviio's files with the command “cd” (type “man cd” to have more information)

How to see if serviio realy running



ps auxef


ps auxef | grep serviio

you should see :
/bin/sh /opt/serviio/bin/…
\_ java -Xmx384M…

Method 2 - The more complex method (or how I created this pack)

- Install a debian like squeeze, you will find here a Prebuild
- Install serviio and webui
- Install apache2, ffmpeg and lame
- Configure apache2 to accept connections on port 8080 (because we want to let lighttpd)
- Install open-JRE6
- To start at boot, serviio we must add a line in the linuxrc
⇒ And that's it …

Archive of OLD packages

Archive - Package with Serviio and WEBUI

Archive - Package with Serviio and WEBUI

Package created with a debian squeeze, JRE6, apache2, curl, ssh, ffmpeg, lame, serviio and webui.

After restarting, the password for the ssh client is : serviio

the package with serviio

To connect in SSH to your NAS you can use putty or SecureCRT (google is your friend)

More details:

How to connect to your nas in ssh

Code: ssh root@IpOfYourNas

the default password is “serviio”

How to change the default password

Code: passwd

and follow the instruction

How to launch WebUi
→Launch Apache's service :

Code: /etc/init.d/apache2 start

→Check if the apache is running :

Code: top
(You must have 4 line with apache2)

→With your web broswer connect to the webUI

Code: http://IPNAS:8080/serviio

Don't forget the :8080

→Configure the webUI

When you have finish you can stop apache2 to preserve cpu with :

Code: /etc/init.d/apache2 stop

How to modify the configure.xml file or to see serviio's log

Code: cd /opt/serviio/serviio-

you can browse to the serviio's files with the command “cd” (type “man cd” to have more information)

How to see if serviio realy running

Code: top


Code: ps auxef


Code: ps auxef | grep serviio

you should see :
sh /opt/serviio/serviio-…
\_ java -Xmx384M…

Archive - How to update to Serviio 0.6.1 and after…

Archive - How to update to Serviio 0.6.1 and after…

After download the last version of serviio (linux version, of course), unpack them in /opt/serviio

Keep your old folder, and above your library folder.

Delete the library's folder of your new version of serviio and create a symbolic link to the older.
For example, i updated Serviio to 0.6.1

Code: rm -r /opt/serviio/serviio-0.6.1/library

Code: ln -s /opt/serviio/serviio- /opt/serviio/serviio-0.6.1/library

if that works a ls -l must give you :

Code: library → ../serviio-

you must to update the webUI, so download the last version.
If it's necessary edit the file “config.php” and change the line $version_req = “0.6” to

Code: $version_req = “”;

and to finish change the line in www folder :

Code: ln -s /opt/serviio/[Folder of new WebUI] /var/www/serviio

For exemple, for me it gives (with ls -l /var/www/) :
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 29 8 oct. 14:49 serviio → ../../opt/serviio/serviio-0.6

install_dlinkdns3xx.txt · Last modified: 2012/01/22 09:19 by cerberus