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====== Stream Your Linux Desktop ======

Process under development and maybe updated at anytime. Last update 16/01/12

This process allows any video playable on your desktop, preferably in fullscreen, to be streamed and displayed on your TV. The only Serviio change is to add the livestream from your PC to the Serviio console ie: http: All the rest involves the setup of your PC to create the stream using VLC.

While the ability to stream your desktop to your TV can give you a remote monitor capability, the real value is to be able to display the output of any application on your TV, in particular the fullscreen output from any video playback application including flash videos.

This means that you can now browse and display all those videos on news sites, tv network shows, movie sites, social sites or music sites etc, that are not available as rss feeds, or unencripted rtmp live streams. You can now also access and display the text info that usually accompanys many of those videos, or the subtitles that overlay videos such as hulu, or the music title/artist/album information which are not available directly to Servio online streams.

To stream your desktop you need to install VLC to do the streaming (I'm using 1.1.10).

Either from the command prompt or by creating a shortcut on your desktop run the following command.

vlc screen:// :screen-fps=24.000000 :input-slave=alsa://pulse :screen-follow-mouse :screen-mouse-image="~/Pictures/mousepointerimage.png" :sout="#transcode{vcodec=mp2v,vb=10000,fps=24,width=1280,acodec=mp3,ab=192,channels=2,samplerate=44100} :http{dst=:8081/desk.ts}" :no-sout-rtp-sap :no-sout-standard-sap :ttl=1 :sout-keep

Finally, to setup Serviio to play the stream, add your PC's static address to the Serviio Console/Online Sources/Live Stream in the form and name it “Desktop”. (Note that zip has advised that the stream must be running, as instructed above, when the link is added to the console, else Serviio will not accept the link or display it in the Online menu.) Then on the TV click on the “Desktop” icon and the stream should play.

stream_pc_linux.txt · Last modified: 2012/01/21 14:32 by cerberus